Saturday, August 6, 2005

I Wanna Go To Jilberts Dairy

Well, last week, my dad, Trevor and I were in the Up. We went to our usual spot, Pike Lake. The trip was okay, nothing special though. It was hotter than fuck, so that meant there was no good fishing, the bugs were biting...I have a misquito bite on my ass. And no, I was not outside naked. I tend to kick in my sleep...and I kicked the screen out on the window...and the misquitos attacked, but I don't know how they got to my ass...I was wearing pants. I swam out to the island and the seaweed scared the shit out of me. And we had this freak ass guy in the next campsite that wore a watermelon and strawberry decorated hat. We did go swimming in the Taquamenon Falls. That was awesome. I'm too tired to remember what we did. Night night.

"I better shit out money after eating this." -- Trevor, on expensive jerky

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