Friday, November 30, 2007

The Apocalypse... or my car was covered in snow

So... I get up this morning after a coma-like sleep to find that my car is completely covered in snow. And that I don't have a scraper somehow, even though I've had on in my car since the day I got it. Anyways, I had to use a folder to get the 2 or so inches of snow off of my car. Lovely. And all to go to a class that I hate with every fiber of my being. Whatev. I'm going to go into hibernation now, it is after all, winter... and that's what I do. I wish. See you all in April?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thought you've been in hibernation, love, seeing as how you don't post like you used to. Was it something we did, as a loyal fan base, that you tease us with minute posts here and there? I would take up a collection to send you back to NZED, but NO.

And you just ain't lived until you have to use your imagination to scrape snow. Ever use a library card? Did you at least have gloves?
