i don't want to stick my hand in Ben's world it might not come back out
What is up with the universe, I had three substitutes today. Of course the stupid math teacher was here and she did a *really* good imitation of a graph in class, sound effects and all. And because I have the best luck in the whole wide world, Skankman was here too, but he was actually wearing a different outfit today, though I expect to see it tomorrow, Monday, and Wednesday. While in Skankman's class, I was talking to Ashley Leining (sp?) and she said "Slow people annoy me." She meant people who walk slow, but it sounded wrong. Oh, and this morning Allison, Catherine, and I (there goes that proper English again) were talking and I said hi to Ben, then Allison said "I don't want to stick my hand in Ben's world it might not come back out" alluding to the fact that Ben was off in his own little world at the moment.