What's better...
... than sitting @ a computer with you're two best friends making fun of people's myspace pictures? Nothing. Coop & Cat & I did our Christmas exchanges today. Fun stuff. I'm poor, so I made them both scrapbooks. Cat got me two French posters and she made this cute purple stuffed dog with tags on it of flags of the countries I have/will visit. It's adorable. Coop got me a whole bunch of stuff to keep me occupied on the plane to NZ, including an awesome tote complete with my name in ASL, a NZ travel guide + NZ map, 2 crossword puzzle books, a coloring book, stationary, envelopes, pens (with free sample gum) and a globe/pencil sharpener. Awesome. I love my friends.
Still listening to "Heaven" non-stop. Now it's my myspace song. Oh snap.
I worked this morning @ 6:15, but before we get to that, we must back the train up a little bit. First off, my dad came upstairs @ 5:15 to make sure that I had my alarm set and subsequently woke me up out of my sleep. Then he decided that it would be an awesome time to put away dishes, really loudly. So I got up and we got into a little argument. Then I left for work and sat at the 23 Mile/Washington Street traffic light for approximately (a long time) 6 minutes. Both sides got to go twice. I feel like the light might be broken. Anyways, I finally did a backwards U-turn and dodged the giant Christmas tree to go a different way. Fuck trees. I got to work with a minute to spare. I did have a really good day at work though, I was on deserts, which consisted of making muffins for tomorrow morning, dishing out pudding and pulling some strawberries from the freezer for tomorrows lunchtime desert. If I wasn't so bad at focusing at the task at hand, I would have gotten it finished in an hour flat, but I was effing around a lot. After work I went & took care of bank stuff, then went home. Then time passed. Took an amazing bubble bath with effervescing salts. An hour later I went to Starbucks with Coop, then we called Cat on our way home & she met us there to hang out. That's pretty much it.
I lied. So I'm pissed, I was supposed to have New Years Day morning off and work that night... well, I have New Years night off, but I work in the morning. I'm going to go to Jason & Becky's still though, I'm just going to have to drive from Harper Woods to the Village. Stellar.
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