Thursday, April 20, 2006


Currently listening to: Everybody's Changing by Keane
Currently reading: Dress Your Family In Cordury and Denim by David Sedaris

So I've been uber busy for the last few days... actually the last 5 days. I can't really say what I've been doing because I do not remember, but it's been a lot. On Tuesday, I went to the John Corvino & Glenn Stanton debate, then we went to dinner with them afterwards. It was good fun. Oh, and the "Asian Chicken Salad" joke from Margaret Cho came up, as someone at the table ordered Asian chicken salad... everyone looked at Jenny and asked if she wanted "chicken salad"... apparently Asian Chicken Salad is not the salad of her people. Whatev.

Damn... I'm on a Mac & I can't do hyperlinks again... I'll do them later.

Yesterday was a long day. Steph came up & stayed last night. Good fun. We watched Margaret Cho: Revolutions. Sweet. I passed out just after persimmons.

This morning I had breakfast with the lovely Jayme. Congrats on Secretary/Treasurer. Woot. I had a delicious bagel this morning, then I went to Nutrition. The professor decided that we can come next Tuesday and take the exam or skip that class and take the exam during exam week. I think I'm going to go ahead and do it this Tuesday, just to get it out of the way. I've got a lot to do today... ASL in about 10 minutes, then I'm going to the SAC while simultaneously studying for Spanish, then I'm coming back and doing homework. I'm doing homework for a very long time today. Thou shalt not sleep.

I need to repaint my fingernails. Like whoa. Oh & this weekend looks like its gonna be long as well. I don't have much to do on Friday, besides pack up whatever else I can, but dad is coming up on Saturday morning @ 8:00 am. Bah. Fixing the car & taking home the futon among other things. Thanks dad. Ok, gotta go to class now.