It's only been a week since my last post, why do I feel guilty?
So last night, Lia helped me spruce up my four year plan and now it kicks ass. I have some lofty goals for the summer though, let me tell you. First off, I've decided that it would be best if I sold my car at the beginning of summer, as the farthest I will have to go to work is the Village and that is 2.2 miles away, an easy distance on a bike. I don't think that I'll be needing a car otherwise and if I do, good 'ole mom & dad have two cars... Second, I'm gonna be taking classes at Macomb this summer, as it will save me a whole lotta money in the long run. Anyway, I only have to take these classes because they're UPs, which are University Program. They are dumb. But it should save me a few thousand dollars. All the while, I'll be working at the Rec, either as head lifeguard or as a counselor and contingent at the Village. Either way its gonna be awesome. Oh, and Kasy said I could teach a sign language class once a week, which would take nothing & it would be good fun. So, if I live through the summer, life will be good... but I thrive on being busy, so it should all work out. Aight, I've gotta get ready to go, Lia & I are on our way to the SAC.