Sunday, January 29, 2006

I Ain't No Hollaback Girl...

Okay, so I've been listening to Gwen Stefani obviously. Let's see, I woke up at exactly 12:45 this afternoon. I can't figure that out, it's really late. I was only up until about 2:00am this morning, & I got eleven hours to cover that. Ugh. So my back is still killing me and I don't know why, damn curved spine.

Oh, mom! Guess what we forgot to buy that I didn't realize that I needed! Yeah, you got it. So, I'm gonna have to go shopping today and get some shit. Maybe I'll get myself a new fleece. I should do that. I need one. Bad. Hmm... Must take a shower first though. Then go shopping. Shower, shopping, shower, shopping, shower, shopping. Maybe I'll go get mum a prize at Green Tree, the local organic grocer. Love it. They have organic things! Woot. And "No Pudge" brownies, which I couldn't find anywhere. Sweet.

Aight, I'm gonna head into the shower. Ugh, we need to organize this damn room.