So yeah...
I haven't posted in about 9 days, I been busy. I drove home on Friday. Sweet. I've worked since last Saturday, 50 hours total. But it's worth it, thats about $450! Woot. So, I don't remember what I've done in the last week, but it's mostly been about pureed foods. And washing dishes. I vaguely remember going shopping and making cookies with Cooper and going to Trevor's band concert.
Anyways, today we had our little Christmas get together with Jason & Becky on my break from work. Donna, my supervisor, gave me an extra half hour on my break, which was awesome. And I still got done with all of my work early, just because I'm special. I am getting sick of the residents from Capman hall, they are all ornery and rude. But hey, they're old... what ev'. I got a buncha cool presents; mom & dad gave me some Magno (25.5 oz. of delicious Spanish soap), a 1.7 oz. bottle of Obession, some cereal (weird, I know) & $75 Target gift card. Jake got me some interesting Gingerbread smellin' soap, a hot pink loofah, Christmas flavored Jelly Bellies, a $25 Applebees giftcard, a cute little stuffed animal & his old palm pilot. I also got a really cool scarf/hat/glove set from Becky, wild colored stripes, just my style... & $25 from Ms. Bauer. I'm excited about tomorrow, I get to see the family after I get offa work, I go from 6:30am to 3:00pm, I'll get to hang with Trev! Woot! I'll prolly get to see Jill & Jenny too. Then I'm going super shopping on the day after Christmas, until I have to go to work @ 4:30. Later for now, I gotta go to bed so I can get up for work in the mornin'. Oh oh oh! I passed all of my classes with a B or better, not too great, but I can bring it up in the following semesters.