There Is A Place, It Has A Face...
Okay, now I'll update a little more on Orientation. It was great and I'm pretty positive that I'm going to major in Health Administration while simultaneously getting the requirements for the Physician's Assistant program. It's not a major or anything, it's just a pre-professional program, which I have to finish in grad school, I need my masters in something...but hopefully I can get a masters in Health Administration as well. It would be absolutely perfect. In ten years, I'm so gonna be running a hospital in CHICAGO!!!
Anyways, here's my tentative schedule:
HON 100B - Introduction to Honors Fri. 2:00pm - 3:50pm
ASL 101H - Honors American Sign Language Tues. & Thurs. 12:30pm - 1:45pm
FRN 201 - Intermediate French Mon. Tues. Wed. & Thurs. 10:00am - 10:50am
GRN 247 - Intro To Gerontology Mon. Wed. & Fri. 11:00am - 11:50am
HSC 201 - Medical Terminology Tues. 6:30pm - 8:20pm
MTH 132 - Calculus I Mon. Tues. Wed. & Thurs. 9:00am - 9:50am
Yes, I realize I'm taking Calc again, but my teacher was completely incompetent. Anyways, Cat and I have it really easy for college, we barely have to buy anything...we do, however, have to figure out how to get the bigger room. That is the only problem.
Anywho, back to Orientation. The drive home seemed extremely quick, probably because Cat and I were talking the ENTIRE time, our friend Lia was asleep in the backseat. Then we went to Mongolian Barbeque and had a wonderful meal. It was Dee-lish. We finally got home around 9 or 10. I think. All and all it was good.
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